Join the Junior Board of FSW‘s Virtual Wine Tasting Thursday, December 3 at 7pm. For any wine purchases through ONEhope from now until December 30, 10% of proceeds will go to[...]
We are pleased to represent Westchester at an upcoming conference on adoption hosted by the Adoptive Parents Committee (APC), the oldest adoptive parent group in North America.  FSW’s[...]
If you have expenses because you or a family member were a victim of crime, our Mount Vernon SNUG program can help you apply to the New York State Office[...]
Learn money basics on our free webinar series “Let’s Talk Money” during the month of October! This series is hosted by our Vet2Vet program and open to the[...]
  There are many ways to volunteer in Westchester County as a tribute to those lost on 9/11. You can help some of FSW’s most vulnerable clients in[...]
Really, who couldn’t use more smiles these days? Every single day, RideConnect’s hard working volunteers are out helping seniors in need in our community. They provide essential rides[...]
Sept 1, 2020 Family Services of Westchester (FSW), today announced it is collecting gently used laptops and tablets to support virtual learning for low-income students in its programs.[...]
Laptops and tablets needed! Not all Westchester schools have the resources to provide laptops and tablets for all students. Many low income families in our programs need for[...]
We are collecting homemade art and cards for those who have tested positive with COVID and are in quarantine. These clients are receiving supportive services like meals, wellness checks and[...]
To respond to critical needs, we have launched the Immediate Response Impact Fund. Generous funders have already contributed $200,000 to the Impact Fund, and you can help us meet[...]